• Falls Prevention Workshop

    Ten-week evidence-based workshop combining Bingo, exercise, and falls prevention education.


    The Bingocize® Falls Prevention workshop includes a facilitator’s script for each session, Bingocizers’ materials, and “take home” cards for Bingocizers to reinforce what they've learned.


    Bingocizers play two 45-60 minute games per week for ten weeks consisting of exercises designed to improve all functional fitness including range of motion, balance, muscle strength, and cardio-respiratory endurance.

  • Exercise-Only Workshop

    Ten-week evidence-based workshop combining Bingo and exercise.


    The Bingocize® Exercise-Only workshop was developed by American College of Sports Medicine Certified Exercise Physiologist, Dr. Jason Crandall.


    Bingocizers play two 45-60 minute games per week for ten weeks consisting of exercises designed to improve all functional fitness including range of motion, balance, muscle strength, and cardio-respiratory endurance.

  • Nutrition Workshop

    Ten-week evidence-based workshop combining Bingo, exercise, and nutrition education.


    The Bingocize® Nutrition Education workshop was developed by experts from the University of Nevada-Reno and is focused on the SNAP-Ed framework.


    Bingocizers play two 45-60 minute games per week for ten weeks that consist of exercises and questions that center around nutrition education. 

  • Range of Motion Workshop

    Ten-week evidence-based workshop combining Bingo and inclusive, gentle exercise.


    The Bingocize® Range of Motion workshop was specially designed for older adults in long-term care including nursing homes, adult daycares, and memory care.


    The gentle range of motion exercises help maintain or improve range of motion in all of the major joints and to ensure participation from Bingocizers who are in wheel-chairs and/or may be suffering cognitive impairment or dementia.

At a Glance

Bingocize® in Motion

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