• Fall Prevention | Exercise | Nutrition

    Bingocize® isn't just another health program—it's a vibrant fusion of fitness and health education that seamlessly incorporates the beloved game of bingo!

    The combination is a winning formula that keeps Bingocizers  coming back for more. Bingocize isn't just about exercise and health education—it's about creating memorable experiences infused with music, movement, and social connections. 

    Whether it's grooving to tunes, involving family and friends, or simply enjoying the company of fellow Bingocizers, the program is easily adaptable, making it a welcoming experience for everyone involved. Packed with surprises, Bingocize is a game-changer for older adults everywhere.



            Did you know that over 13 million adults 65 years of age and older will fall this year resulting in over $80 billion in health care costs? Effective health promotion programs can help reduce falls, but most older adults believe exercise programs are painful and boring.

    To address this problem, Dr. Jason Crandall created Bingocize®, a socially engaging, group-based program that combines exercise, health education, and, of course, bingo! 

As the Statewide Technical Assistance Center of the California Healthier Living Coalition, Partners in Care Foundation started offering Bingocize in Los Angeles County in 2019 through Older Americans Act, Title III-D funding. Community Site Coordinators lit up when learning that there was an evidence-based health education program that built on a very popular activity they had been implementing for years in their centers – Bingo. After seeing great interest, uptake, and success among older adults in Los Angeles, it was a ‘no brainer’ to add it as a program offering in our Administration for Community Living Falls Prevention grant in 2020. Through that grant, Bingocize spread throughout six additional counties in both metropolitan and rural areas, reaching over 2,100 older adults in a four-year span. Bingocize has found a home among the menu of programs we provide, and we plan for that to be the case for years to come. Dr. Crandall and Kristeen have been incredible at helping us implement Bingocize in California, keeping the program and the materials fresh and responsive to the needs of our community and the older adults we serve."  
-Christy Lau, California Coalition for Aging


Bingocize® has helped thousands overcome their inhibitions with exercise. 

Our fun, evidence-based program will help your Bingocizers:

- Improve and maintain mobility and independence

- Use health information for falls reduction, improved nutrition and other health-related behaviors

- Engage in social settings







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